Readings & Services

Past Life Regression

Connect With Your Eternal Self: Have you wondered what lies hidden in the echoes of your past lives? I am excited to announce that I now offer Past Life Soul Regression sessions, a transformative journey designed to explore these echoes and bring their profound insights to light.

Soul Blueprint Readings

Soul Realignment® is an intuitive modality developed specifically to help you come back into integrity with your true self - your divine nature.  My goal during a reading is to help you remember who you are at soul-level, highlight your divine gifts, and help you to clear negative patterns that may be restricting your ability to fully express yourself.

Spirit Guide Sessions

Experience vibrant and fulfilling connections with your personal spirit guide team. Learn the names and personalities of your inner circle of guides. Discover the unique and powerful roles that they play in your life. Hear their personal messages and the distinctive ways they connect with you, and learn how to best communicate with them on your own.

Go Deeper into Your Soul Blueprint

Continuing Alignment

By request, I am now offering Continuing Alignment Sessions to my existing clients. These sessions expand upon your initial Soul Realignment.

In these sessions we:

  • Revisit & expand your Soul Blueprint (yes we can go deeper!)

  • Scan for new patterns emerging in present life

  • Create a personal inventory of what's currently in and out of alignment in your experience

I have lots of new tools to help you understanding your unique manifesting process, connect with your guides and really lean-in to your divine gifts.


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